We are a non-profit organization that accepts donations in order to buy bicycles, riding toys and safety helmets for children with life-threatening diseases. Many times the parents of ill children are strapped with financial expenses and cannot afford things like bicycles. We see to it that every bicycle comes with a safety helmet appropriate for the child's size. If a child is too young for a bicycle, another type of riding toy will be given. For children with physical limitations we can also supply wagons or other appropriate wheeled toys.
Cody's Wheels of Hope was started as a memorial to Cody Scott Filson (Feb. 12, 1999 - Feb. 4, 2004), who died of cancer eight days before his fifth birthday. After giving his new bicycle away to another child at the hospital, a need was discovered by his family for more bicycles, for other children.
Any child, age 18 or under, suffering from a life-threatening illness and showing proof of the medical condition is eligible (condition subject to approval).
If you need an application for an eligible child, you may email us, send a letter to the P.O. box above, or click on the "Application" link in the menu.
We are a 501(c)3 charity and all donations are tax deductible.